Design Studio 02
FACULTY: Guillem Camprodon/ Tomas Diez/ Jana Tothill Calvo/ Roger Guilemany/
CALENDAR: 08/01/2024 - 04/03/2024
TRACK: Reflection
You know, they made trash look good in the videos, but when you go there, its an other world.
Documentary: Citizen Science Revolution
Barcelona new economic model for 2030 Barcelona housing crisis
graph LR
A[Resposibility ] --> B[Response-ability]
B --> C[Re_shaping]
C --> D{Futures_thick presents}
futures_thick presents
graph LR
A[Entangled Ethics] --> B[Ethics_in_the _making];
How can we establish ethical relationships between researchers and researched (in the case of research involving other human and non-human agents)?
- Derived from the greek word “logos” meaning “word”
- Derrida, the sign lies at the core of Western philosophy and has traditionallly engaged huamns in he quest to arrive at the centre in search of being and presence_Of Grammatologie_
- Universal_Ultimate Truth
- significance in Western metaphysics to the fact that the New testament invokes the term as the origin of all things; In te beginning was the Word.
Patstructuralism_ critiques the binary oppositins in Western Philosophy in which one term is privileged over the other, as in, presence/absence, male/female speech/writing, identity/difference, truth/error, mastery/submission, West/East…
Privileged_central term associated with the logos or and the phallus.